
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

funky chicken10/02/2009 12:39:56 pm PDT

re: #316 DaddyG

I can find you plenty of Reed saying the war was lost from the Senate floor and Murtha accusing our soldiers of rape and murder. Their flavor of insane was different than the right but that doesn’t make it any less insane.

…and you probably don’t want to go there on Katrina given the left’s eagerness to pin on Bush a Dem state and local failure to prevent and handle a disaster, even to the point of stalling the federal response.

Yes- your memory is quite selective.

CDS was also equally disgusting, and it was virulent.

Honestly, I think the right wing’s CDS insanity set the stage for the BDS and for the ODS.

Perhaps that’s why the ODS is so nasty and has gained some acceptance in wider GOP circles…the CDS crowd was embraced by the Bush/Rove crowd in 2000, unfortunately.