
Gallup: Americans Trust Obama More Than Congress on Health Care

iceweasel3/06/2010 3:15:16 pm PST

re: #437 Aceofwhat?

really? worse than the pollster of choice at Kos?

i’ve been taking both at relatively face value, unless something in the sample really jumps out at me. Has ‘mussen gotten reliably unreliable lately?

Oh hell yes. Research 2000 is reputable. Rasmussen is worthless. I have shitloads of links but I’m kinda beat at the moment— you could search my nic for the term Rasmussen to pull up tons of posts.

Also CJ has some comments about one specific Rasmussen poll yesterday on one of the Pentagon shooter threads, if you look. It’s a perfect example of their dishonest tactics.
(I’ll give you more information on it later, i promise, but I’m talking to Jimmah just now. :) )