
Gallup's Darwin's Birthday Evolution Poll

A.W.2/13/2009 7:03:58 am PST

Charles, Charles,

This evolution thing has really gotten you screwed up. Suddenly you are trusting Gallup? And caring what the French think of us? What happened to you, man?

And yes, Gallup stinks. not only did they amazingly manage to put out numbers that add up to 101%, but the question sucks.

First, there is the confusion between evolution as a theory of origin, and evolution as a continuing process. the latter is virtually undeniable (unless you think you are in the matrix or something) and the other is, less so. Second, it conflates the concepts of “best scientific explanation” and belief. I can very rationally say “I recognize that the best scientific evidence supports the theory that evolution, but my faith tells me we were created.”

So the question stinks, gallup stinks, but if you have been watching them for a while you would already know that.