
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

katemaclaren10/02/2009 12:40:32 pm PDT

Well, I admit, I smiled. Those Rio-ites looked deliriously happy—and they deserve it. S.A. has never hosted an Olympics. They’re poor. They may benefit from all the jobs and attention—a good thing. Chicago? Half don’t seem so enthusiastic about the prospect. Corruption is rampant in that city and like New Orleans, seems to be a pretty dicy place, generally-and unlike Rio, Chicago is unattractive with an airport that is horrendously overused. I was wondering about Madrid—a great choice, too, but Rio—well, as they say, “Blame it on Rio”—a glamorous, sexy city with some fantastic scenery.
As for giving Obama failing grades—it’s getting close. He shouldn’t have gone—it’s like Bush being on the ranch during Hurricane Katrina. Maybe he doesn’t realize how worried most of us are about the immediate concerns about the economy, the terrorists getting turned out of their lairs here, the appearance of lack of interest in either war, the corruption of his cronies…
as far as the right wing blogs? Why read them? However, I’m quite sure that if this was Bush, the left wing blogs would be doing the same thing. In fact, I’m quite sure they—and Gibbs/Obama/Rahmbo—will figure out a way to blame Bush.