
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Scottish Dragon10/02/2009 7:21:47 pm PDT

Sanity Inspector

How about posting a YouTube video of your harp playing, or your Revolutionary War re-enacting? Have you been in any Battles of King’s Mountain?

I am leery about posting videos because of stalker issues. I have had problems with people who just don’t like the idea of GLBT people being parents and I don’t wish to show some of these goons what I look like if I can help it. My wife has been harassed on the job by a couple of fundamentalist Baptist preachers after we appeared on a public access tv show in a Q&A forum, and that was the end of that.

I haven’t been to King’s Mountain yet. I have been to House in the Horseshoe, Guilford Courthouse, and Ransour’s Mill. Ransour’s Mill was a blast, but I discovered it is a very bad idea to “die” while out in the sun…

It gets hot real fast, and you just have to lay there and sweat until the shooting stops. I also found out that Brown Bess muskets get frakkin’ hot after 12 volleys!