
Obama's BP Speech

441 6:36:49 pm PDT

re: #420 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Who are you calling “dishonest”? The rig-workers, their families, and the businesses that support them?

And he’s not alone.
Other choice comments from some other blogs:

Izanagi said…
Don’t you notice anything else about the cross tabs in this poll? As is often the case with the deep south on just about anything involving the federal government and, more importantly, which party controls it, there is a glaring racial divide. Louisiana, Alabama and Mississipi are completely irrelevant to Obama’s 2012 political calculus in part because, the majority of their voters would’nt give him a chance no matter how he tried. Nobody has yet died from this, unlike Katrina, but of course, these guys loved Bush, no matter how much of a simpleton he was at anything. Such is the life of America’s cultural laggard also known as the South.

Anonymous said…
The reason the people of LA think W did a better job on Katrina than Obama is doing on the oil disaster is simple….. They’re stupid! They’re all rednecks and they don’t see anything wrong with raping the earth… long as they get to have their gumbo, they’re happy!

JUNE 15, 2010 6:19 PM