
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

TedStriker7/13/2012 9:28:33 pm PDT

re: #424 BryanS

Think of Bill Gates leaving Microsoft as the comparison. Gates is clearly still associated with MS, but he has nothing to do with anything the company decides from a management perspective anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Gates’s signature on things even after he stepped down from his management role of the company.

Romney left Bain, but still owned Bain stock…a lot of it. So yeah, he was still affiliated with Bain as an owner, but he didn’t run it.

Gates may have owned and still may own a lot of stock in the company he helped create, but he was and is far from the largest shareholder in MS since that time. Even if Mitt wasn’t running day-to-day operations in the BC family, he sure as hell knew what was going on and certified that to the SEC (see: Stericycle, etc.); as president and CotB, if he was doing his proper fiduciary duties, he would be in the know to what the company was doing and helping to plan corporate strategy.

The fact that he was also sole stockholder just cements the fact that Romney had the juice within the BC family during that period.