
Election Night, Thread 3: Some Thoughts on What We're Seeing Tonight

Captain Magic11/08/2016 10:20:35 pm PST

So, now it appears we are on the verge of electing to the most powerful position in the free world with the following qualities: (1) A man who has never served in public office, (2) A man who has never served in the military, (3) A man whose knowledge of diplomacy is non-existant and whose political skills were mainly used to clear the way to get his business ventures off the ground, (4) A man who has a horrible track record of stiffing contractors, (5) A man whose leadership has bankrupted at least six businesses and cost investors millions, while he walks away virtually unscathed, (6) A truly horrible misogynist, who pleaded the fifth over 50 times during his first divorce trial, (7) A man who casually and freely insults anyone and everyone who he doesn’t like, and holds grudges for ages.

Now it looks like just over half the country has decided to elect the above person with access to the nuclear launch sequence with the above traits simply because he believes that he can “Make America Great Again.”

How the holy hell did we get here?