
Washington Times Editor: Obama Was Educated at Yale

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion9/08/2009 1:24:04 pm PDT

re: #318 Pianobuff

Play fantasy land with me just for one moment.

I’m only bringing this up because of an article I read earlier on one of the policy teams over at the UN recommending to dump the dollar in favor of a new global currency.

Now this is just fantasy, but…

What if this were to ever happen and the UN established a new currency and dumped the dollar?

What the hell would all of us say here while David Icke and Alex Jones are off dancing the lesghinka somewhere?

The Paulians, Libertarian kook fringe, and various militia-“patriot” people have been handwringing about global currency, among other things for a long time. They are always warning about steps that will bring this about, but never bother to explain to anyone why we should be concerned. Ask one and they will either not know the answer or they will ramble on about how it will make it easier for “them®” to control you. As soon as I realized that blaming “The Man®” was not a legitimate answer for any question in politics and economics, I stopped falling for the nonsense from these kooks.