
Profile of a Pro-America Muslim Leader

elbruce8/22/2010 2:28:32 pm PDT

re: #431 000G

It seems like uniformed people from the armed forces were on site: [Link:…]

I like how that picture also caught the awning of the New York Dolls gentleman’s club… “Desecration! Hallowed ground! Bark! Bark!” No? Nothing from the wingnuts on that?

By the way, it occurs to me that all of the people protesting Park51 seem to say they’re doing it in consideration of someone else; 9/11 victims’ families tend to be the most frequent sacred cow. How come nobody claims to be outraged on their own behalf? Did someone who lost a loved one in the WTC attack call Sarah Palin up and say “please speak for me?” Somehow I doubt it.