
Police Run Amok in Ferguson While Gov. Jay Nixon Prays, Meets With 4H Club

Lidane8/14/2014 6:40:06 am PDT

Joe Scarborough has an opinion, you guys. He even felt compelled to share:

Scarborough: Reporters Detained In Ferguson Just ‘Want To Get On TV’ (VIDEO)

Wesley Lowery, who was one of the reporters that got arrested, was not amused:

“Well, I would invite Joe Scarborough to come down to Ferguson and get out of 30 Rock where he’s sitting and sipping his Starbucks smugly,” Lowery said during a Thursday morning appearance on CNN. “I invite him to come and talk to the residents of Ferguson, where I’ve been since Monday afternoon having tear gas shot at me, having rubber bullets shot at me … I would invite Joe Scarborough down here to do some reporting on the ground, then maybe we can have an educated conversation about what’s happening here.”