
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

Interesting Times2/22/2024 11:10:55 am PST

re: #428 wrenchwench

You can get used to that. It will be beneficial if you do. (It’s not just the vice presidency getting girlified.)

Ever heard a male candidate described as “too boyish”?

I’m also reminded of Timothy Synder’s admonition “Do not obey in advance” with respect to fascists or wannabe-fascists - this means trying to anticipate what would offend them and surrendering to what you think they want before they even ask/demand. There’s a similar dynamic going on with people trying to anticipate what certain voters won’t accept - “Oh noes, swing voters would never go for Kamala so let’s get rid of her.”

I’d say the people who feel that negatively toward VP Harris - i.e. they’d never vote for Biden because of her - are trumpers anyway, so screw trying to figure out what they want or worse, giving in to it.