
Overnight Bird

lawhawk11/18/2009 8:08:55 am PST

re: #415 iceweasel

Yes, 145 other prosecutions have taken place here, but President Obama is on the record as saying he’s going to be convicted (prejudicial, don’t you think?) The NY Post cover was “Welcome to NY: Now Die!” (prejudicial again). Tainting the jury pool in both instances. That also allows his defense team to raise objections to venue and to call into question the impartiality of the jury and allows the case to drag on for even longer.

As for your insistence that the “bungled evidence gathering and procedures by the Bush administration”, may I remind you that this is a war, and not a law enforcement action. Many of those detained were captured on the battlefield, and are members of a terrorist group engaged in a war against the US. Evidence isn’t exactly the first thing soldiers are thinking about when someone is shooting at them.

The repercussions of trying to tack a law enforcement model onto military operations will hamstring the military operations and put our soldiers at greater risk.

Moreover, those 93 bombers were captured in the US directly by the FBI. They weren’t captured overseas. As for the prosecutions themselves, the fact that their defense attorney, Lynne Stewart was convicted, sentenced (and the conviction upheld while the sentence was reversed and remanded to impose a harsher sentence) for her aiding and abetting Rahman communicate with his terror minions overseas highlights problems with the law enforcement model. That Moussaoui wasn’t issued a death sentence also highlights the problems, as evidence was omitted and curtailed so as to not reveal national security secrets - and such evidence had it been carried through in tribunals could have resulted in death sentences.