
That'll Do (Feat. Paddy Maloney and the Black Dyke Mills Band)

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)7/14/2019 12:33:00 pm PDT

re: #435 The Pie Overlord!

The photo looks to be an Alamy stock one. Only caption I found for it was “New York Army National Guard Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion 142nd Assault Helicopter Battalion bunk down”. No mention of where and when it was taken. I presume Simone took it from the same place as a recent Tweet by Mike Pence. Which implies that this will be the chosen form of pushback against AOC by the GOP nattering heads on this subject.

Edit: Quick search on the unit indicated a deployment to Iraq in 2008-09. This could be from then, or possibly while doing relief work for Hurricane Sandy in 2012. In either case I doubt this is their usual quarters and rest accommodations on Long Island.