
TN GOP Rep. Nicely: Einstein Would Be in Favor of Teaching Creationism

Aceofwhat?4/15/2011 6:53:34 pm PDT

re: #428 marjoriemoon

Part of his rant was when he said it’s a “sad thing” that such a large demographic (the Black vote) voted for Obama based on race. In essence, calling Black people racist. 98% of registered Blacks voted for Obama and nationally, Blacks contributed 13% of the entire vote. That is up from 11% in years prior. That’s 2% who never voted before. That is no where near the majority.

Besides if it was all about being Black, why hasn’t Jesse Jackson gotten any traction all these years?. He’s ran for Pres before.

But the Black vote is powerful and 13% is nothing to sneeze at, or 11%. Without it, Obama wouldn’t have won. The final numbers were Obama 53% and McCain 46%


I dunno. Given our country’s earlier treatment of black people, i think it’s perfectly acceptable that they might vote en masse along ethnic lines. I also think it’s perfectly acceptable to publicly pine for the day when it will no longer be thus. That’ll be a good day for everyone.