
Daily Beast Reports: Donald Trump's Wild Drug-Fueled Underage Sex Parties

Targetpractice10/25/2016 8:11:15 am PDT

I think when the chapter is written on this year, it will be that the person who ultimately won ran what was largely the most conventional campaign in ages. She staged rallies and got up on the stump to preach, but that wasn’t the bread and butter of her campaign. Nor did she do as her opponents first predicted and then accused her of doing, which was going nasty and attacking them personally. She ran on the issues and used only one thing to ever attack her opponents: Their own records. She spent all that money that the “holier than thou” crowd sneered at to run one of the most effective ground games in recent elections.

Given how this election has gone, I don’t think Bernie could have done any better. In fact, I think he would fared far worse against an opponent like Trump. The media that has obsessed about Hillary’s emails, the Clinton Foundation, and her health would have been relentless in digging up every bit of dirt on Bernie.