
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

Gretchen5/04/2009 12:34:45 pm PDT

I must be the only one who can’t figure out the claim the Republicans became too right wing. The stance on abortion remains unchanged. Stance on gay marriage, unchanged, and the same stance the Democrats CLAIM to have now, McCain’s statements and Obama’s statements were nearly identical to Ms. California. Democrats have made health insurance and abortion “rights” along with a whole host of other “rights”. The liberal courts and press have become unapologetic, and while they have been liberal for a while, I can’t remember all out tingle up the leg admissions as such. There is a smattering of Creationist fringe in the Republican party, but the Democrats have made global warming a religion, as well as governement funding of abortion and embryonic stem cell research and demonize opponents who find scientific fault.

Republicans went wrong when they began ballooning the size of government and stopped standing up for themselves. They have been bullied by the press and the left too long.

Oh and I wanted to puke when Spector claimed Kemp would have lived if not for the evil Republicans. I guess he believes the Obamasiah will cure cancer, too.