
Update on Arizona Anti-Immigrant Murder Case

Cato the Elder6/17/2009 7:53:17 pm PDT

re: #372 iceweasel

Hey Flyers!

DU looks harmless if you just go to the main page and check out the columns. The problem is the forums— just gigantic message boards. They’ve been around since 2001, the day after Bush was inaugurated, and it’s much more active than—well, any political site I can think of. The boards seem to be hardly moderated. You can find lots of normal conversation there, (which will still probably irk many people here, as it is Democratic Underground, after all) — but you can find pits of complete insanity. 9/11 troofers, Bush and Cheney caused 9-11, everything. Given the timing of its founding, it immediately became a go-to site for people who believed that the 2000 election was stolen.
Like FR, the nature of the site allows it to be a home for the unhinged.

The forums are also way too big to navigate properly or easily.

My Moonbat Brother (MMT™) lists DU as one of his indispensible daily blogspots. That explains why he and I can barely remain civil talking about the weather. In fact, now that I think of it, the weather is one of the more dangerous topics - ‘cuz, you know, Capt’n Trade is going to fix AGW for us, you betcha.

He also used to swear by some loon who called himself Bartcop - a sort of populist-leftist conservative shredder who boasted that no wingnut could get the better of him in debate. My bro kept on challenging me to go over there and have a go. It sounded boring. You ever run across that guy?