
Sam Tanenhaus: The Death of Conservatism

theheat9/19/2009 8:31:41 pm PDT

Per CNN, pure pandering by Huckabee:

“In fact, the only thing inexpensive about Massachusetts’ health care bill is that there, you can get a $50 abortion,” Huckabee said, drawing instant pushback from the Romney camp.

Too bad Palin already coined death panels, or he may have found a way to work that into the conversation.

And their breakout sessions are even more revealing:

Conference breakout panels Saturday afternoon are scheduled to include Global Warming Hysteria: The New Face of the “Pro-Death Agenda”; Obamacare: Rationing Your Life Away; Activism and Conservatism: Fit to a (Tea) Party; and Thugocracy: Fighting the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. The summit’s straw poll results — an early look at the state of the 2012 race — are scheduled for release mid-afternoon.

Yes, these family values folks are really rational, aren’t they? Anyone still question whether they have any influence on the GOP, given the list of attendees that are condoning and participating in this utter horseshit?