

445 8:13:07 am PST

re: #440 Dragon_Lady

I have two 16 year olds and one 3 1/2 year old. The newest one is 16 and is the tiniest cat I’ve ever had at 6 lbs, I’ve had the other 16 year old since she was 3 months old, I rescued her before they could turn her over to a shelter, and we got our 3 1/2 year old from a shelter at 8 weeks old, shes a 12 lb Maine Coon mix. Pepper, our Maine Coon is with out a doubt the smartest cat I’ve ever been owned by. She sits, stays and has a whole host of behaviors that I’ve never seen in a cat before.

I want a Maine Coon in the worst sort of way, but the Roi would kill me if I brought home another cat. All of ours (5 right now) are adopted from abandoned litters, or they’ve just shown up starving. We’d love to find a good home for the newest one but adult cats are hard to place. Everybody wants a kitten.