
Seth Meyers: Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani Are Causing Problems for Trump [VIDEO]

Decatur Deb1/24/2019 8:55:16 am PST

re: #434 HappyWarrior

But that’s the thing. Democratic candidates aren’t insulting rural voters. Republican candidates meanwhile can literally talk about how certain parts of the state they’re campaigning in aren’t the “Real state here” with little to no blowback. I saw it with Palin. I saw it with George Allen when he called that kid a Macaca even though that kid was more of a Virginian than Allen was. Maybe we could listen to rural voters more and their issues, I concede that but if it comes at sacrificing our core values, I can’t do that, I’m not going to do that to appease a bunch of people who think it’s elitist to support a government that invests in its people.

The clever but easily misrepresented term “Deplorables” might be enough to explain the loss of the critical 80000 missing votes . The candidates don’t have to be the messenger—we have a lot of half-baked “influencers”.