
Chinese Monkey Snub Sets Off Simian Search

Syrah6/12/2009 11:46:36 pm PDT

re: #445 ggt

Good Question. I am listening to an unabridged audio version —from Audible. the site doesn’t give much information on the edition.

I’m also confused because at one point he was talking about “God” in a montheistic way and then reverted to speaking of “the gods”.

Not having a place mark to know where to look, I would venture to guess that you are encountering a translation issue. God as in Zeus, God as in The Gods. Many possibilities, but without an expert in ancient Greek or even a place mark to look, hard to say.

(Socrates was accused of not believing in the gods that the city believed in. God, Gods, …) Don’t let it trouble you too much. After your third or fifth reading/listening, it may have a more clear meaning that a first reading/listening may not have readily revealed.