
Video: Snow Leopard's Hidden Features

Aye Pod8/28/2009 9:08:13 pm PDT

re: #390 iceweasel

Exactly. And I think it also ties in to the earlier point I made (and SFZ as well) about powerlessness and (I said) the right’s inability at the moment to take personal responsibility and look at their party. They want to blame everyone but themselves, and reflexively resent and hate any criticism of the right. It can be seen right on this site, too — the people who want to immediately deflect any perceived criticism and turn it into “yeah well let’s talk about how horrible the left is” or “the left did worse!”

It leads to ridiculous positions like defending armed people showing up at townhalls— because some lefty 6 years ago wore a mean Tshirt.

Note: this is a problem for any party that is out of power and angry. The left did it too, for years. Point is, they didn’t start winning elections til they quit that— and the same holds true for the right today.

I agree, and would add that there is also far too much bs flying around about how only right wing protesters ever get arrested at demos whereas lefties are allowed to do as they please etc.