
Video: GOP Embraces Misogynistic Extremism

garhighway8/06/2010 6:57:07 am PDT

re: #444 lawhawk

Re: Ground Zero news - the Durst Organization has entered into a deal to handle Freedom Tower marketing/leasing and a 10% ownership stake for $100 million.

Earlier this week publishing giant Conde Nast was reported to be interested in 1 million sf at 1WTC/Freedom Tower beginning in 2014 when the tower should be ready and would be the largest tenant at the 1,776 foot skyscraper that has nearly 2.6 million sf of space.

That would be nice.

People forget that the original WTC 1 and 2 were largely occupied by government agencies in the beginning. It took them a while to catch on with private sector tenants.