
CPAC 2011, Day 2

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/11/2011 3:01:14 pm PST

It all just seems so desperate to me. re: #441 freetoken

Along those lines, news related to CPAC:

Tom Tancredo: Muslim Immigrants Spread Sharia Law

Tancredo’s warnings echoed recent efforts by right-wingers to ban sharia law in states like Oklahoma, and he drove home the link between immigrants, deadly crime, and terrorism in his CPAC speech as well—going so far as to equate open borders with treason. “Plenty of people coming across that border want to do very bad things to us—we know it’s been an entry point for terrorists. Why would that not be a cause for impeachment? I think it’s treasonous to not secure your border,” he told the crowd, to wild applause. Tancredo also denounced multiculturalism and ethnic enclaves as “the dagger pointed at the heart of Western civilization.”

Asked whether President Obama was encouraging such freedom-crushing Muslim separatism, Tancredo told Mother Jones, “Yeah, I certainly believe [it].” He also agreed that Obama shared his Kenyan father’s anti-colonial views—a theory originally promulgated by conservative writer Dinesh D’Souza.

To prove his point, Tancredo pointed to a bust of Winston Churchill on loan to the White House during the Bush years that the Obama adminstration returned to the British embassy. “Remember that bust of Winston Churchill? They sent this bust back to the British…because [Obama] considers them to be colonial powers. These are our best allies, you know.” (Tancredo also told reporters that in Egypt, Obama’s “schizophrenic” positions had increased the threat to the US. “No matter what happens now, we lose. No matter what, whether Mubarak steps down, whether he stays… ElBaradei’s worse.”)


I asked this when Dinesh D’Souza said it but what is so bad about being anti-colonial? Do Tancredo or D’Souza realize we fought for and gained our independence from the world’s greatest colonial power? Tancredo keeps on proving himself to be a racist tool. The guy is a bigot pure and simple.