
Xenophobia Runs Rampant as Immigrant Families Are Turned Away by Right Wing Protesters

Birth Control Works7/03/2014 7:06:37 am PDT

re: #421 Feline Fearless Leader

Temps dropped from 95F to 75F overnight. (Two big drops of 6 degrees and then 7 degrees as the front came through.) Should go back up to 90 F by this afternoon. Mold counts up, but everything else down due to the rain last night.

Feline overlords like watching rain hitting the windows. Thunder and lightning, not so much.

Also slept well since two berlinerweisse at a happy hour went down very nicely.

Mold counts are killing me. I am most allergic to mold. When I had the old fashioned skin prick allergy tests, that mold swelled up bigger than a chigger bite.