
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Timothy Watson9/11/2015 7:22:43 am PDT

re: #436 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

My recollection of 9/11 is odd. I was working and did not have a cell phone or high speed internet access at the time, so I heard about it very piecemeal. I assumed that the reports of the towers’ collapse were hyperbole until I got home that night.

I was a freshmen in high school. I remember coming out of gym class for lunch and there was this weird tension in the air, and there was a teacher or administrative staff right out of the locker-room door watching one of the building’s exits.

After lunch, I remember going into one of the bathrooms and one student said to another that someone had bombed the Pentagon and I was like “what?” and in the next class after lunch, the teacher told us about the planes hitting the World Trade Center and I was imagining something like a Cessna, not a jumbo jet, but he didn’t mention the collapse of the buildings (I am on the East Coast, so this was around 12:30 or so probably). I didn’t find out the extent of the attacks until I got home from school.