
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

cliffster4/29/2009 1:46:03 pm PDT

re: #429 Chip Designer

One of the predictions of global warming is that the oceans themselves are getting warmer.

To test this hypothesis, we funded the Argo project. This involved putting 3325 temperature monitoring floats in all of the worlds oceans. These floats bob up and down over a range of thousands of feet, recording the ocean temperatures and salt concentrations. This data is then beamed back for analysis.

In the last four years since the network was complete, the data does not show any global increase in ocean temperature.

It actually went down, yes? Or was that a different study? The temperature was found to have gone down, and NASA scientists said “Well, harmma humma bluugh yeah, well, can’t draw conclusionss… hudhmsipiasd