
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

researchok7/23/2010 7:12:50 pm PDT

re: #433 brownbagj

I am a bit of a techie, so any questions I can help with I am happy to do so.

Really, it does come down to what you want. If you want a “booklike” reader, go with kindle. If you want a mulitpurpose device that can do reading “ok” go iPad.

The kindle really does prevent eyestrain. I cannot imagine reading at night in bed with an iPad for long. That white screen would cause me headaches, and even though it is small, it would be too much to hold upright for novel type reading.

Excellent. I want to get one for myself and one for a friend headed off to Africa for a couple of months. I figure a loaded Kindle is a lot easier to pack.