
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

boxhead7/19/2011 1:05:22 am PDT

re: #446 Slumbering Behemoth

You flatter me undeservedly.

I have an ideal, of what this nation should be about. One that doesn’t fear free women, gays, or the acceptance of immigrants. These things would only make us stronger.

The secular principles this country was founded upon laid the groundwork, but as we have seen throughout its short history, there is much more to be done.

It is why many in the past have referred to our style of gov’t as “The Great Experiment”. It was never meant to be immovable and unchangeable, but something which adapts as we expand our understanding of the human condition.

Yes… now you are talking… I have attempted to spin a belief, to friends starting from Greece and the story behind the movie 300, to our Constitution. While, of course, many beliefs held during that span needed to and were regulated to the trash heap, the basic idea of freedom, was able to be planted, germinate, and grow. In my humble opinion, our Constitution is by far the best expression of such belief. And as you mentioned, it was written to change with time. The Founders where excellent students of history and would never have intended that document to be fixed in stone knowing how people have changed over time. Changes for the good is what was expected.

Seeing the radicalization of so many people, not only our Country’s, but other Western countries that have traveled that same path as us, is saddening. Truthfully I am not sure the outcome… I can only hope.