
Romney Blasts Secularism, Endorses Mixing Church and State

RogueOne12/18/2011 6:41:52 am PST

re: #429 Obdicut

Nope. I’m asking you who has said you’re supposed to be upset. Can you point anyone out?

You’re asking me to answer something that I never said. Obviously a lot of atheists are upset or they wouldn’t be taking the time to put up “atheist testimonials” during xmas. What I said was “As an atheist I’m not sure why I should be upset”

Because they think atheism is true and they’d like to convince other people of it?

I think proselytizing during another religions holiday is a dick move. Remember the florida preacher who was passing out christian pamphlets in Michigan earlier this year? It was a dick move. I didn’t say it shouldn’t be legal only that there are better ways of making a point other than intentionally pissing off people who believe differently than you.

As to all your ‘no skin off my nose’ thing, does that mean it’s fine with you if the state endorses a religion?

Not sure where you could get that impression. If the president wants to come out with a christmas declaration that shows his love of the baby jesus is so great that it would make Tim Tebow blush that’s his right. OTOH, if he came out with a declaration to mandate that we all have to celebrate the “correct reason for the season” under penalty of the law that’s a different story.

There are times to make a point and then there are times when it’s best to keep your mouth shut. Holding a lunch time pork-fest during ramadan outside a mosque? Dick move. Saying god loved an avowed atheist like Hitchens so much he had to kill him? Dick move. Putting up banners saying god is dead or jesus is a fraud tied to xmas? Dick move.