
Texas School Board Chairman Endorses Book Calling Pro-Evolution Parents 'Monsters'

Racer X3/20/2009 8:47:53 pm PDT

OK. The Special Olympics comment does not bother me.

What really bothers me about Obama is the fact that he crammed the Stimulus bill up our ass on Friday the 13th. He said it had to get voted on and passed NOW!

No politician was given a chance to thoroughly review what was IN IT, let alone the public (like he had earlier promised). Then it sat on his desk until Tuesday the 17th before he signed it. Why the delay?

Next, I distrust the president for his comment that “No one in this administration had anything to do with the AIG bonuses”. This was found to be a blatant lie, as exposed by Chris Dodd about 3 hours later.

I do not trust this man.

I have no confidence in his ability to lead this nation out of the current financial meltdown (which was brought on by Chris Dodd, Bawney Fwank, Tim Geitner, et al).

I would like for this president to stop spending money we do not have. Now is the time to cut spending to essential activities only. Now is the time to reduce the size of government. Now is the time to provide incentives to private business and reduce taxes. This has proven time and time again to boost the economy.

Show mer ONE time where spending our way out of a financial crisis has worked.