
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

yma o hyd6/20/2009 8:22:18 am PDT

re: #434 Last Mohican

God help them. This person, at least, seems determined not just to get Mousavi named president, but to eject the whole regime.

I’m thinking more and more that, if more pictures showing the degree of brutality being exercised by the government could be released, it might help to tip things over the breaking point.

How are these tweets getting out? Don’t they require internet access? Hasn’t the government disabled internet access?

I think they have proxy servers - apparently Iranian students in the USA and Great Britain are doing their best to get these tweets out to the West. I also think they come via the web, and not predominantly via cell phones.
The Iranian twitters also seem to use satellite connections - and the Beeb was reproted yesterday as saying that the Iranian government was interfering with their ‘World news’ broadcasts in Farsi - so the Beeb twiddled some more satellites. Alledgedly.