
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

elbruce8/22/2010 6:41:00 pm PDT

re: #428 Escaped Hillbilly

Don’t care. This is the way my mind is working right now. It’s called ambivalence, I think, maybe, I dunno. It feels like people just can’t talk while disagreeing anymore. We have to accuse each other of all kinds of hateful things, assume motivations, and then refuse to listen to each other. The reasonable people who might agree with either side step out of the argument and the crazies run rampant.

It seems perfectly reasonable to me to be justiably angry in the face of intolerance, bigotry, and frothing-at-the-mouth hatred, especially when those same people are calling themselves American patriots. If that doesn’t make you angry, fine. Stay out of it if you want But to suggest that my anger over their behavior is somehow unjustified amounts to giving those bigots cover to act with impunity.