
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/04/2011 4:46:15 pm PDT

re: #443 Alouette

The Rebbe, of Blessed Memory, constantly spoke of the need to rebuild the Temple, and he urged every Jew to take an active role in its reconstruction.

Did he tell Jews to storm the Temple Mount and tear down the Dome of the Rock with their bare hands?

Not at all.

He urged every one to perform mitzvos, light Sabbath candles, put on tefillin, study the Scriptures and the Talmud and works of Hasidism, keep kosher, observe the festivals, give tzedakah (charity), love your neighbor as yourself. He urged everyone, Jews and non-Jews to uphold justice and perform acts of kindness.

This is how we rebuild the Temple.

Brick by brick.

And one of those mitzvot is to love the people. To say that an alien force has a right to our most sacred spot or to keep us from it is to fail that mitzvah.