
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

Targetpractice10/02/2014 9:17:16 am PDT

re: #420 Bulworth


It’s astonishing to me how quickly Nazi Germany was able to not only rearm, but to develop the lethal strategy and machinery of modern warfare that so devastated Europe.

Reading in Doris Kearns Goodwin’s No Ordinary Time how the U.S. military still thought in 1940 they would be able to rely on cavalry to win a war.

Warfare evolved a great deal between 1914 and 1946. Hell, even at the start of WWII, the Wehrmacht was not entirely mechanized. And even with two years to prepare between Munich and the start of the war, the majority of the tanks in use were still light tanks that had been intended to train soldiers while medium and heavy tanks were built. Germany’s early success had more to do with the fact that its enemies were even more woefully unprepared than they were. France had better tanks but not enough men trained to operate them and those that did get used were used piecemeal rather than in massed units.