
Two Guitars at Once! Thriller (Michael Jackson) - Luca Stricagnoli

Targetpractice1/09/2019 11:44:28 am PST

re: #444 Sir John Barron

Dems could give them the $5 bill in exchange for a deal on Dreamers.

Cray-cray, I know. But I sense the GOP wants something for nothing.

Here’s the reason why these “negotiations” have been in totally bad faith and thus a total joke at damage control: The White House wants the DNC to put something on the table, wants them to make the first move to show they’re “serious” about making a deal. If Donny were the “dealmaker” he loves to claim he is, he’d be putting forward offers publicly to show he wants to give the DNC something in exchange for wall funding.

But he’s not, because it’s all about dominance politics for him and the need to show that he’s the one in control. So the DNC have to come to him, they have to ask him for something in exchange for that money, and the fact that they’re not has left him in a spot he absolutely hates: Not being the one in control.