
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

Quilly Mammoth2/10/2010 7:36:59 pm PST

re: #443 jamesfirecat

No we don’t rely on our soldiers to know when to stop. If we did why would we have signed the Geneva Convention?

Uhmmm, yes, we do. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Please stop before you completely make an ass out of yourself.

At every level we teach our soldiers what they can and cannot do. We rely on them…because we don’t have a fucking choice…to do the right thing. That is why our soldiers, Marines and sailors are the best troops on the earth. We trust them and train them and teach them how to be leaders.

If you think that they have to have wardens…aka Political Officers…to keep them in line then you can get the hell out of my country right now.