
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk3/05/2010 7:49:48 am PST

re: #440 drcordell

There are certainly reasons why the trials would not be the best way to proceed. Lawhawk covered them in his last response, and they almost all have to do with the challenges we open ourselves up to when some terrorists are tried in court and others receive tribunals.

Unfortunately, none of those reasons have been mentioned in any of the mainstream discussion of this issue. The counter-point to Obama’s proposal is “ZOMG THE TERRORISTS WILL KILL YOUR CHILDREN.” Typical Cheney-ite fearmongering and lies, not reasoned opposition.

I find it amazing that none of the so called legal experts the media relies upon have brought that particular issue up in their discussions with the media since that is what any of the law firms doing work on behalf of the detainees would do.