
Gingrich: 'It Doesn't Matter What I Live'

Amory Blaine8/11/2010 1:35:22 pm PDT

re: #445 sagehen


Nobody’s going to be more willing to break their leg in three places, or have a heart attack, or get cancer, knowing there’s a government program to pay for their treatment. It’s just as painful, and potentially deadly, even the biggest mooch ever isn’t going to say “oh yeah, might as well since it’s free.”

And nobody’s very clever, conscientious planning is going to prevent the muscular dystrophy or ALS or who knows how many other things can just happen.

Of course, there’s the people whose lungs are full of crap, dying in agony, because they spent a few weeks digging in the pile at ground zero, first hoping to find survivors, then hoping to recover remains. Suckers shouldn’t have put themselves at risk that way, it’s their own damn fault, let them pay their own damn bills. Right? Let them be an object
lesson to anybody faced with a similar choice to make in the future.

Who are the heroes in our country if not them?