
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

Kragar7/13/2012 10:15:59 am PDT

re: #441 HappyWarrior

What’s on Saturday night?

Nebraska Primary.

Ron Paul supporters bank on Nebraska vote to interrupt national convention

If Paul’s campaign can snag a majority of Nebraska delegates it will give the libertarian-leaning Texan congressman effective control of five state delegations and the chance to be nominated for president from the convention floor at Tampa as well as a 15-minute speaking slot.

Despite not winning a single state at the ballot box during the Republican nomination race, Paul’s campaign has waged a stealth “delegate strategy” whereby his supporters use often arcane party rules to get picked as delegates to Tampa. In some states, such as Iowa, that has given them control of the state delegation, despite not winning the state’s caucus vote.

Now, with Nebraska being the last state to hold a convention to pick delegates for Tampa, Paul’s campaign needs a win to give him just enough states to use the GOP’s own rule book and perhaps force a floor vote against the winner of the nomination race, Mitt Romney.