
Jim Hoft's Monumental Fail of the Week: Tea Party Nazi Signs Were Real

Tigger25/26/2013 12:22:25 pm PDT

Bob Dole thinks the the “GOP should be ‘Closed for repairs,”

But I don’t agree with this part.

He also assigned blame for Washington’s current state of gridlock to President Barack Obama, who he argued was failing to bridge divides between the capital’s ideological camps.

“I think that the president, he lacks communication skills with his own party, let alone the Republican Party. And he’s on the road too much,” Dole said, quipping Obama was a “good golfer.”

“I think one mistake he’s made was not getting together more with Congress early on in his first administration. There’s nothing like knowing the person you are talking to on the telephone, if you had an opportunity to sit down with that person and visit - not about anything, but just visit.”

The Republicans agreed on day one that they would not cooperate with the President no amount of talking or getting together with them would have changed anything.