
'You Only Live Twice' - the Nancy Sinatra Remix

HoosierHoops9/09/2013 9:15:12 pm PDT

The Hoopster update.. I was supposed to retire early cause I got a big check from my folks who passed back in Feb. I bought a killer place and was going to be there..But I thought..Why not just put in more work and put as much cash as possible aside?
So I pay the bills and a handyman every month.. My folks provided a path forward..And soon I’ll be blogging from paradise..Needed to clear up the timeline..And Gus..Oh Gus..You hearing me? I will effen fly you in with my frequent flyer miles soon.
You know where I am going..We have had good chats on the phone in the past..I’ve followed your journey for years..Gus..There is going to be room in paradise with Winston and I. I’m dreaming big and going to stop working for the man and the Lord will allow me and my friends to hang out on the lake surrounded with woods up way north with a boat! A boat driving all day getting lost! A boat Gus! ( note to self: Buy life buoy for Winston..Cause I’ll be driving like a 16 year old that bribed his teacher with a BJ )
Anyway Gus..After 5 years of us blogging..WTF..You have nothing to lose with a round trip to paradise…Everybody I know..And trust me I know people..Nobody can go..
Me and my Dog are going..And I’m pretty good making friends with the local ladies..
You know..I’m Hoosier fucking Hoops..And I try to make everyone friends..
Although..I’m going where few live..There is no postal service in God’s Country but total High speed Internet, HD TV, I’m starting real time planning and want you to be a guest and hang out in Paradise dude..
Gus..It will rock..Call me I effen lost your number a couple years ago..
Call me on the area code 405 number..Else we’ll work it out dude..I can call iceweasel over in Scotland for your number.. Call me!!
*grin” It’s going to fun Gus.And hey..Floral is flying up to visit..
Jeez..I guess since my pops died and I got the property and insurance money and all the shit involved..We spent hours on the phone..Hours and hours and Hours..We were both going through the same agony at the same time..We spoke about our lawyers for hours because Floral had been a long time trusted friend from here..So we talked and talked during the tears..I can’t remember but back then I used one of Floral’s Lawyer contacts or something to quote the Properties I got from ND. All the mineral rights and shit..
Oh God! Another effened lawyer night Floral? LOL