
Steve Doocy: 'Curious Timing' That Iran Came 'Out of Nowhere' to Distract From Obamacare

Dark_Falcon11/25/2013 11:37:39 am PST

This is actually good news, since it seems some the shitbirds who took part in the Benghazi are finally going to get what they have coming to them:


Heavy fighting continued Monday in Benghazi between Libyan army forces and an Islamist militant group the United States blames for the attack last year on its diplomatic mission that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

LANA, Libya’s state news agency, reported that at least six soldiers and one civilian were killed and 39 people were injured, most of them soldiers, in the clashes Sunday between the military and the group Ansar al-Sharia. On Monday, the Libyan government said that at least nine people were killed and 49 injured.

A senior Libyan military official in the city, speaking to CNN on condition of anonymity for security reasons, said heavy fighting continued Monday morning as troops engaged members of the group in different parts of Benghazi.

The fighting was not a planned operation but a “reaction” to an attack on the army by members of the group Sunday night, the official said. He said members of a military special forces group called Thunderbolt, with support from local residents, responded with raids on Ansar al-Sharia locations in Benghazi.

The official said the fighting Monday morning was intense, with Ansar al-Sharia fighters using mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy weapons. He described the situation as very tense after reports that Ansar al-Sharia might be receiving reinforcements from the eastern city of Derna, where jihadist groups are active.