
CNN's Don Lemon: Disappearance of MH370 Could Be "Supernatural"

Charles Johnson3/17/2014 3:17:35 pm PDT

This one’s really creepy. Man, I hope it wasn’t one of these things.


Often translated into English as “goblin”, the toyol is actually a small child spirit invoked from a dead human fetus. Traditionally described as looking more or less like a naked or near-naked toddler, modern depictions often give them green or greyish skin, fangs, and pointy ears. The toyol may be used by its master to steal things from other people, or to do mischief. Because they are childlike in their thinking, valuables can be protected by scattering beans on the floor, or leaving sweets or toys next to them, all of which will distract the toyol. It is said that the owner of a toyol may become rich, but at the expense of the health, fortune and even the lives of members of their family.