
Jim Hoft's Latest Ugly Lie: Says Video Advocating Peaceful Protest "Threatens Violence and Destruction"

Blind Frog Belly White8/25/2014 3:31:08 pm PDT

re: #38 Boyo

ok so Jim Hoft is the Dumbest Man on the Internet…what is his end goal? Is this all about money from clicks to his website?

Don’t you have to know the truth about a subject in order to be able to lie about it? otherwise its just an uniformed opinion right?

for example: he knew the “socket fracture scan” was not Wilson’s yet he put it online anyway, he knows the video on this thread does not say what he’s claiming it says yet he creates an article about it. If he was just dumb wouldn’t he offer corrections when he is shown the truth later?

Stupid or Evil? Why not both?

Seriously, AFAICT, his sole raison d’etre is providing grist for Right Wing Confirmation Bias.