
Ferguson Protesters Met With Hecklers, Confederate Flag in Rural Missouri

BeachDem12/04/2014 10:18:52 am PST

re: #30 HappyWarrior

Jon Stewart made a great point about Fox and the “War on Christmas.” They’re HQed in New York, you know Ground Zero for the “War on Christmas” and yet Rockefeller Center is always amazingly decorated for Christmas. People who get their panties bunched up over “Happy Holidays” are the worst. Hell, I find it frankly polite because it’s respecting the person. I wonder if Bill and those types would be happy if they were lived in a society where Christmas wasn’t the most common winter holiday where they wished a Happy whatever. Anyhow, typical fake outrage. Just enjoy the fucking holiday Bill and stop using it to push your fake outrage agenda.

But, but Gretchen Carlson has to drive around looking for nativity scenes to show to her children—hence this dastardly “happy holidays” blasphemy must cease immediately so as to not offend her delicate sensibilities!