
Trump Barred From Speaking to NYPD Officers, Then Says Police Commissioner Is Lying

Shimshon7/08/2016 1:38:29 pm PDT

re: #25 BeachDem

What. An. Asshole.

The head of a law enforcement advocacy group lashed out at President Barack Obama in the wake of the Dallas shootings that left five police officers dead, accused the president of carrying out a “war on cops.”

“I think [the Obama administration] continued appeasements at the federal level with the Department of Justice, their appeasement of violent criminals, their refusal to condemn movements like Black Lives Matter, actively calling for the death of police officers, that type of thing, all the while blaming police for the problems in this country has led directly to the climate that has made Dallas possible,” William Johnson, the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, said in an interview with Fox on Friday morning.

This is what I’m talking about, this is a horrible reaction. The police are supposed to be professionals and not act like teenagers yelling out for attention and disrespecting the elected bosses. If they can’t handle responsibility and respect even in times of tragedy then they should be forced to resign.