
Video: Seth Meyers on Trump's Military Parade Scheme, and Lies About Immigration

ObserverArt2/08/2018 12:26:06 pm PST

re: #42 Jay C

While I semi-agree with you here, I’m not sure Speaker Ryan, et. al. (outside of the House Wingnut Caucus) really give much of a crap about DACA: I think their main priority is to get a budget deal passed so they can:
1) Take (undeserved) credit for “solving” this year’s (self-inflicted) budget problem, and
2) Get to work on their more-important project of starting to chip away at any and all social programs - in the name of “budget discipline” of course.

3) Play to the Trump base so all Republicans can try to hold their offices in what could be a bloodbath election season. Because if they lose the House they lose all their dreams to do #2.