
Video: Colbert on Trump's Latest Disgraceful Hate Rally: "Like a Wrestling Bout"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam8/02/2018 11:51:12 am PDT

re: #43 Dr Lizardo

Don’t hit their power grid. I wouldn’t do that.

No. What I’d hit is their cyber-infrastructure. Their networks - and of course, their financial system. Ideally, I’d want to unleash something akin to a Stuxnet virus into their banking and financial systems…..crash their economy, basically, or at least cause some extremely serious damage to it. Best case scenario, a catastophic financial crisis in Russia, akin to the crisis they experienced in 1998, which drove Russia into default.

That hurts them.

Targeting the oligarchs and Putin specifically would get their attention.